Designing better and cleaner journeys

The trip home from Turin was supposed to be entirely by rail. Three trains, changing in Paris and London. But due to a major national strike across France, there were no trains. At all. 

I was looking forward to making the trip. Yes, it would have been an amazing view of the Alps as I worked, but the main reason for taking a 12 hour train ride was to try and travel in ways that are less damaging to the climate.

This has to become a major consideration - not just to make a difference myself but also to start meaningful conversations about the climate in the solutions we develop with people with dementia.

An important part of designing better journeys is to play a part in developing and encouraging more sustainable journeys that inflict less damage on the environment. Pubic transport will surely play a big role in this and we have to learn how to incorporate conversations about the climate into our own work.